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[–][deleted]  (4 children)


    [–]Astrid2448[S] 15 insightful - 1 fun15 insightful - 0 fun16 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

    I am well aware of the social pressures on people, particularly women. I am not asking for everyone to be a gold star and I am not even a gold star myself. I am from an extremely conservative background where I was disowned for being a lesbian. But this article, and latebloomerlesbians in general, is absolutely loaded to the brim with women who are not even remotely lesbians but convince themselves they are or intentionally lie about it. And no, the problem with this article is not that you have to "agree with every point" but that almost every single part of it sounds nothing like a lesbian. The only things I cut from the document were rambling areas from the points above, so don't be disingenuous. That isn't because of social pressure, that is because of the clear attraction to men, upset with bad relationships that have nothing to do with sexuality, and general total lack of understanding of homosexuality. Even look at you here... "well some of them date women!" Yeah, ok, plenty of them don't, and of the ones that do are almost always bisexual women who are attracted to men as well.

    Sure, they can be bisexual, but they are not lesbians if they are reading this post and even kind of thinking that it sounds accurate. They are not lesbians if they read a place like latebloomerlesbians, which is full of women proudly calling themselves lesbians despite being in love with their husband, regularly fucking dudes, having boyfriends, or retaining attraction to men that they choose not to act on. That isn't because they're "late bloomers" and the mean gold stars are putting them down, this is not because people expect you to know everything about everything in the womb. This is because they were never lesbians to begin with. Your reaction to this stuff, and the subreddit latebloomerlesbians in general, makes me seriously doubt that you're a lesbian as well.

    [–]BigMommyMilkers 12 insightful - 1 fun12 insightful - 0 fun13 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

    I've also come across women trying to excuse women with husbands calling themselves lesbians on this sub and DropTheT. I don't deny the effect a very conservative religious environment can have on a woman and how she views her sexuality, but this doesn't seem to even be the case in the majority.

    "Most of the lesbians I know personally were married to men at one time. Some had children with those men." No lesbian willingly marries a man and births his children - that's called being bisexual.

    I'll stand by my opinion that most of the women on LBL aren't lesbians, they're just straight/bi women who are tired with men's shit. There's nothing wrong with that - but you're not a lesbian.

    [–]yayblueberries 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

    It's not even an opinion, it's pretty much fact. I tried encouraging some of them to read and learn about feminism, because that's really what they were after, not pretending to be lesbians. Nope, they wouldn't have it, feminism BAD pretending to be lesbian to make ex-husband mad GOOD!

    [–]Astrid2448[S] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

    I do think it happens occasionally, maybe with some old women especially. But yeah it’s pretty obvious that most of the girls claiming it aren’t