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[–]reluctant_commenter 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I am not the person you're responding to, and have pretty feminist views. I don't have anything against radfems, although I don't think I qualify as one.

But, I disagree with this part of what you said:

if you can't get along with other women and get along better with men it IS because you're a broken and twisted person, you're likely a self-hating misogynist.

I replied to a different comment with this, but basically: Many (although not all) of the hobbies and interests I have, are way more popular with men than women. On average. So right off the bat, it is often easier for me to relate with guys who are excited about topics X Y and Z, and I am excited about X Y and Z too. Almost all of my close friendships are with women, so I don't believe I am the type of person you are describing. I can't say I have a perfect relationship with myself, but I am working on it. :)

I do know at least one woman who is VERY much like you describe, though. It is a real phenomenon.

edit: To be clear. I don't think I am a "broken and twisted person" because I often get along better with men than women. But, I do think some women-- though not all-- hang out with only guys because they are misogynistic.