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[–]oofreesouloo 21 insightful - 1 fun21 insightful - 0 fun22 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Like florasis said, real lesbians don't suddenly disappear. We exist and always have, whether we like it or not. The thing is there are currently brainwashed lesbians who will say they're "biromantic lesbian", who will say they would date a trans woman BUT wouldn't actually have sex with them (what.the.hell), terrified lesbians who simply spit out TWAW in order not to be bullied or harrassed. And finally, there are also lesbians like us, who refuse to comply to the TRAs but are silent in order to protect ourselves. We're very hidden. I speak for myself, I feel more fear now coming out than some years ago, because I do NOT want to attract any TRA, but as soon as you're part of the LGBqorwofmdml community, you are more prone to attract those people so I find that if I'm EVEN more 'discreet' about my sexuality I don't attract the 'problem'. However, this makes our journey very lonely and we can't find each other. Honestly, it sucks a lot.