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[–]WildwoodFlower 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

My friends who are lesbians and gay men are older and married. I think a handful of the gay men are still somewhat involved at the local LGBT center. But for the most part, these folks are mainly into taking care of their kids/pets/homes/parents/jobs as well as each other. The organizations they belong to tend to be centered around the arts, music, faith/religion/spirituality, rescuing animals, and serving the larger community. For example, one of the gay men I know is very invested in helping people with addictions because this is something that has affected his own family. The subject of trans people never comes up, not even at Pride Day where they are everywhere. I don't think they have anything against trans people; they just don't move in the same circles. Maybe it's because TRAs are more into joining (and dominating) groups that are exclusively LGB, and not interest-focused organizations like community choirs and cat rescues that also include straight people?