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[–]oofreesouloo[S] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Your sense of humor is one of my favorites in a woman haha. I love when women are funny like you 😂

Ah that's a good point. I'm actually not that sure if my body language or tone etc. is all that feminine or masculine. I think it definitely leans more masculine though.

Yes, what I mean is really the 'body language' and not exactly your personality traits per se (those aren't inherently masculine or feminine, though some tend to be associated more with masculinity and others with femininity). You do sound to have a more 'masculine vibe' by the way you speak at me lmao. This is something I feel, and have noticed even before this conversation. I don't know how to put into words. But that doesn't change the fact that I do think you're a lovely lady. :)

[–][deleted]  (1 child)


    [–]oofreesouloo[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

    I think some people are more aware and sensitive to these variations and others

    Based on my personal experience, definitely yes. Unfortunately, my body is very picky with these stuff. 😅