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[–]It-Do-Be-Like-That 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I know this may come off harsh, but it is a blessing in disguise you found out her true nature this early; sometimes cheaters can effectively manipulate you for years when they hide their greasy tracks well enough. It also seems that as this unraveled, you’ve discovered further red flags in her behavior. You really deserve better than this. I’m sorry to hear about your loss, but please remember that even bad people are capable of doing good things for others and vice versa. There is grey in between black and white. It’s good you had someone to share your grief with to begin to heal, but that doesn’t negate her behavior now and you don’t owe her any leeway for it. (Also don’t concern yourself with the opinions of her friends, sometimes people tend to defend those they love even when they know they are 100% in the wrong.) With all this out in the open, you now have the opportunity to continue onward and find a partner that you deserve and deserves you. I can’t tell you what to do, but for the sake of history repeating itself, it’d be best to leave her for these two reasons: 1. You deserve better 2. Suffering real consequences to bad behavior may actually help her grow as a person and could be best for her, too.