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[–]hufflepuff-poet 13 insightful - 1 fun13 insightful - 0 fun14 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

This may be odd but why is it that some trans lesbians have to disclose to cis lesbians about their condition rather than the other way? I find it a little disconcerting given that our acceptance is mostly limited to cutesy "trans girls are valid uwu you're so good at music" posts, but in practice we seem to be othered, like we're welcome in the community so long as we make it obvious to people about who we are. Genital preferences are one thing, but where it comes from as well is confusing. Is the idea of a penis itself disgusting to some given it's associated with men? There's burly men with vaginas out there, but you don't see preferences swinging the other way to dick only for lesbians that often. I feel like at some points I'd rather be called a slur than have exclusionary ideas with a coat of acceptance.

Yet if any lesbian called them men and said they weren't welcome because of their sex, she would be banned for "hate speech". When did biological sex become a slur??

I honestly feel like a mutant sometimes.

You are making yourself a mutant by harming your body to play pretend at being the opposite sex. Maybe listen to that voice buried deep inside you that whispers those words to you. It may be the last flicker of intuition you have left, nurture it.

I don't want to be told I'm valid. I want to be treated like I'm valid.

edit: just adding, I don't appreciate being told I'm valid or welcome here. There is a difference between being welcome and being wanted. We are ultimately treated as outsiders. If you don't want us around say so, if you do want us around, be inclusive. We are not weird experiments or experiences for you - we are people who feel love, passion, attraction, and longing. Treat us as such or piss off.

It is never enough. It will never be enough until every lesbian is either pretending to have a dick or taking dick sexually. This is a rapists rights movement, they can all fuck right off. No one is entitled to being wanted or loved, the only people who owe you unconditional love are your parents--these people need to work their issues out with a therapist, not the internet.

This is what happens when entitled men are coddled in their delusions and treated as "valid and real lesbians". Reality will continue to cast a shadow on his fantasy and the more the world around him enables the fantasy the more pissed they get that everyone isn't willing to play make believe with him 25/8.

[–]reluctant_commenter[S] 10 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 0 fun11 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Fucking preach.

I feel so sad seeing the internet covered with such blatant, disgusting fetishization of LGB people. But there's got to be a turnaround sometime soon. So many people in countries all over the world are waking up to the reality of this child-abusing, predatory, homophobic and sexist movement.