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[–][deleted]  (3 children)


    [–][deleted] 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

    I don't understand the need of finding men repulsive to be a lesbian. That's such a strong word for humans you're clearly not into... It gives them way too much credit. Focus on women instead and don't bother yourself. Overall being a lesbian seems to be about finding women attractive, loving them and ignoring men, isn't it ? You're making it about men yourself by taking in consideration the bullshit of political lesbian and so on imo... Fuck that shit. Celebrate what and who you love. But your frustration is also understable with the actual climate so... I don't know. Hope you'll get to feel better about all that.

    [–]hufflepuff-poet 12 insightful - 1 fun12 insightful - 0 fun13 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

    I don't understand the need of finding men repulsive to be a lesbian. That's such a strong word for humans you're clearly not into... It gives them way too much credit.

    This. When I first came out at 15, I wasn't repulsed by guys. I just wasn't attracted to them and was attracted to women. Now I am dick-repulsed but I think that has more to do with forcing myself to be sexual with them despite my body not enjoying it or wanting it and now I have a kneejerk disgust at the thought of even being near a naked man. I went from complete disinterest in men to revulsion because no one would accept my lack of interest until I began to express my revulsion (after forcing myself to "try it out"). Lack of interest/complete disinterest should be enough, women don't have to hate men to want to be with only women. We are allowed to pursue only what we want!!

    The lack of attraction to men combined with an attraction to women is all it takes to be a lesbian, if it's just a lack of attraction to men and no attraction to women, she'd be asexual. Straight people are allowed to just not want to be with the same-sex without having to be repulsed by the idea of same-sex genitalia, why can't homosexuals do the same??