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[–]reluctant_commenter 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

No problem!! (Sorry I'm slow to reply lol, trying to get back in the habit of logging on.) Completely agree with everything you said. I wonder if there are any strategies that people like us might be able to use to figure out other people who share our opinions. I have a couple of "tells" in my language-- I describe myself as having same-sex attraction, and I do sometimes use the correct (sex-accurate) pronouns for describing transgender people, when they're not around. I notice when other people do the same. I have come to believe that most straight people unfortunately just don't care at all about LGB/T issues, so I doubt I could have very in-depth conversations about these topics with most people around me, unfortunately. But maybe there is a way I could find one or two people who are quieter about it. Lol, the fact that opposition to gender identity belief is so taboo is absolutely insane.

I'm glad to hear you have people you trust! Even one person to share your opposition to this craziness is enough. I'll check out the subreddit, thank you once again :)

Thanks!! And glad to hear it :) hope you're doing well!