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[–]CaptainMooseEx-Bathhouse Employee 17 insightful - 1 fun17 insightful - 0 fun18 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I think it's stupid. If you are able to enthusiastically consent to sex with one sex, you are capable of loving a member of that sex. Case in point, my "heteroromantic" bisexual ex who was the first to drop the L-bomb in our relationship before freaking himself out. For him, the possibility of a relationship with a man meant having to actually face the homophobia in his family, mainly from his sister.

The SAM also plays into the fact that gay men and lesbian women who were in relationships with the opposite sex don't have spaces in which they can be vocal about how what they experienced wasn't love but was more like Stockholm Syndrome. They can't even say "Hey, I disassociated/depersonalized to get through sex acts." One of the older gay men I knew (I think he's passed from cancer by now) when I worked at the bathhouse was blackmailed into a relationship by his deceased wife (she was friends with him and his boyfriend who killed himself in the 80s and threatened to out him to his family once the boyfriend was dead), raped repeatedly by her, and now has kids and grandkids. He only opened up to me because I'm open about being the victim of corrective rape. Even though the wife was dead, he still couldn't tell his family the truth because none of them could handle the reality that mommy/nana was an absolute monster.

[–]Athelhilda4Questioning 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

That's horrible. I hope he found a little bit of happiness before he died.