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[–]reluctant_commenter[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I'm sorry people had those expectations of you for so long, that's ridiculous BS. Thanks for sharing your story.

Just... let's not point things our kids do out as unusual or special behaviour. Let's not single them out and assign a "GNC identity" to them and treat them differently.

That's a good observation to make. In a similar vein, I think "GNC" can be a useful term when it's just descriptive, not prescriptive-- not when it's suggesting that a kid should be acting one way or another.

Just being calm and fair and supportive of a kid's character is enough I think. No hobby or toy or superficial appearance is gender-locked.

I think this is probably the best solution in the long run, but I do think that it can be useful to use the phrase "GNC" when discussing why someone is treating a GNC kid differently. For myself when I was growing up, the fact that I seemed to act and look differently was just a facet of reality. Maybe the important part is emphasizing that yes, these "differences" in behavior/dress/mannerisms/whatever may exist, but they really are kind of superficial and not important at the end of the day; at the end of the day, we are all human and have worth, and are unique individuals.