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[–]dilsencySame-sex community 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I bring up some of the points, just not all at once.

  • TRA vs. gender non-conformity: "No one fits society's expectations of masculinity. That doesn't make me not a man, it doesn't make me non-binary, and it doesn't make me trans. Seeing how women are written and thinking that if you don't agree or relate to that, it means that you're not a woman, not that the writing is one-dimensional."

  • TRA vs. sexuality: "It's supposedly bigoted to not see people as what they claim to be. And if you include people in wo/manhood, that means also including them in dating pools, otherwise, do you really see them as what they claim to be? Lesbians are harassed mercilessly for not being attracted to male people."

  • TRA vs. women: "There's a rape clinic that had a dead rat nailed to it by activists for not letting in male people. Somehow it's more important to validate male people who claim to be women, than it is for women to feel safe away from people of the sex that raped them."

  • TRA vs. free speech: "J.K. Rowling made tweets arguing that biological sex is an important characteristic; it cannot be replaced with gender identity without harming women and homosexuals. Now she's received rape and death threats, and activists are outside her house, posting her home address to their peers. If I was her I'd be uncomfortable too."