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[–]winterwillow 12 insightful - 1 fun12 insightful - 0 fun13 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I actually kept reading about her, and I knew there were rumors about her being intersex, but what I didn’t know was that it was actually started by a gynecologist in 1937. (The heydays of rejuvination, transexualism and eugenics.) He wrote a study on how he thought she was a “pseudohermophrodite” and her refusal to marry he deemed “sexual neurosis”. These ideas became very mainstream and was only debunked in 1965, when they actually excavated her and analyzed her skeleton, concluding that it was female without any signs of an intersex condition.

She’s also mostly depicted in dresses and had both male and female romantic interests from what I gather, so I do think it’s the lingering hermophrodite thing + no marriage that gets Queen Christina transed/queered often.