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[–]Porphyria 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The mawm is unmarried, apparently. If Brock "The Rapist" Turner's dad and mawm have divorced, perhaps this creature and he can get together; they obviously share a very similar philosophy of childrearing : My son is entitled to do whatever he wants to whoever he wants.

This she-dog is even more tone deaf than Brock Turner's dad and his infamous comment about how his poor son can't enjoy steak any more. /sadviolins

And I really wonder just how "consensual" those two previous sexual encounters were : Was the girl actually consenting, more or less enthusiastically, or was she bullied into sex for fear of being called a bigot-?

And in any case, just because a female has sex with a male one time, does NOT mean he is entitled to her body from then on, whenever and wherever he wants. We don't lose the right to say NO ever again, just because we said yes ONCE.