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[–]hellonumpty 20 insightful - 2 fun20 insightful - 1 fun21 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Women are often encouraged to give someone a chance - usually a man she has no interest in, but he has an interest in her, often to the point of being creepy or inappropriate. All the shit trans people say about dating reminds me of this a lot. Plus saying no is much harder when 'no' is considered bigoted and on the same level as a hate crime.

The proof, other than countless people speaking out about it and actual evidence online of trans people saying this stuff, is in their ideology. The idea that you refuse to date trans people is rooted in 'cis-sexism' is what they say.

Edit: Forgot to add - same sex attraction is now being referred to as a dog whistle, so don't know what planet this lad is on but it's not earth.