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[–]PenseePansyBio-Sex or Bust 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Not the topic of discussion. I'm simply stating that trans women do in fact face violence and harassment from people.

And I'm simply stating that whatever violence and harassment they face is very much the exception. The rule is for transwomen to be treated with extreme deference, and indeed, for other people to face violence and harassment from THEM, which almost invariably goes unpunished. Cuz transwomen are soooo oppressed, dontchaknow. By all the violence and harassment of, like, being misgendered! And not having everyone kowtow to their pronouns 100% of the time! And finding them unattractive! I mean, you KNOW a group is being persecuted relentlessly when the main thing they're concerned about is... whether you'd date them.

Some bisexuals are rapists and abusers, and their potential victims include trans men and women.

And many more transmen and transwomen are rapists and abusers-- given their freely-expressed sense of entitlement to "cis" people's bodies-- and their potential victims include bisexuals.


If these other people are fragile, what does that make people who can't handle basic reality, insist on being shielded from it by the world at large, and threaten suicide/physical violence when anyone refuses to go along?