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[–]RedEyedWarriorGay | Male | 🇮🇪 Irish 🇮🇪 | Antineoliberal | Cocks are Compulsory 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

About a hundred thousand still speak Irish. And it is slowly being revived. There are hopes that Ireland will become a bilingual country one day, although time will tell how that turns out. The language used to be a rural language, but now it’s increasingly used in urban areas. Parents are giving their kids Irish names now - in my parents’ and grandparents’ generations almost everyone had English-language names, though about a half of those names are of Irish origin. Now about half of all Irish zoomers have Irish language names. So even if Ireland will remain an English-speaking country forever, the Irish language is definitely recovering.

Yes, Irish politicians are scared of us. There have been many scandals lately, even before covid. Corruption in the healthcare sector, corruption within the police, corruption within social services, mismanagement of public infrastructure, underpaid soldiers and police officers, dishonest government-sponsored media, rising taxes and cuts to social services, politicians giving themselves bigger wages, cover ups of child sexual abuse by not just priests but by people in several sectors and so on. Now covid has happened, and many Irish people are catching on that our government are not just incompetent, but apathetic to us. Recently, some of our politicians have been to events of more than 50 people. When that was exposed, the government said that outdoor events of up to 200 people are allowed. Problem is, we didn’t know that. Now the hospitality sector wants blood.

Trump is terrible politician in my opinion, but as far as I’m concerned, he’s better than Obama and Bush. In fact, he’s better than most of our own politicians. The Irish media secretly loves Trump because then they can make our inept and greedy politicians look good in comparison through propaganda. And our government is beholden to multinational corporations, and these corporations are in turn beholden to the US federal government, the UN and the EU. Lately I’ve softened my stances against Russia and China for these reasons, and while I know that their governments are still bad, it’s not like western governments are any better.

Australia is a basket case. The government claims it wants to achieve a ‘zero-covid’ strategy, but that is impossible to achieve, and most other governments have conceded that it’s ridiculous. My friend used to live in Australia’s and he came back to Ireland a few years ago. He says he’ll never go back, and the draconian, nanny-state government is one of the main reasons why. Ireland had it bad with our government during the pandemic, but I really do not envy the people living in Australia or New Zealand. The governments in those countries overreact to everything.

[–]PatsyStoneMaverique 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Would a bilingual Ireland provide a concrete social advantage? Sorry if that sounds cynical or insulting, I don't mean to be rude. It's not something I relate to so I'm assuming there's a practical point to pursuing that.

Yes, Irish politicians are scared of us. There have been many scandals lately, even before covid.

Sounds like they're clinging to Covid to try to avoid an inevitable backlash. I wonder how many laws they've broken through this whole process.

The Irish media secretly loves Trump because then they can make our inept and greedy politicians look good in comparison through propaganda.

I've always thought Anti-American prejudice in western Europe boiled down to this scenario.

As for Trump, it took 2020 to make me appreciate him. He genuinely is an excellent administrator, and his economic policies were undeniably successful. He renegotiated NAFTA, he taxed foreign remittances for the first time, he engaged in peace talks with North Korea, he negotiated with Aramco and the Sauds to reduce the price of oil and cut off funding of ISIS. We didn't invade a foreign country for four whole years. The first in my lifetime.

He's a reality TV star and he definitely encourages media circuses to the point of absurdity. His general goal seems to be to discredit his opposition by making them look crazy. There is also the added benefit that controlling the news cycle allows him to bury stories at his discretion. It's all beyond tiresome, but at this point our media have become so unreliable most people treat them like state propaganda and just tune them out. I haven't read the New York Times in years.

[–]RedEyedWarriorGay | Male | 🇮🇪 Irish 🇮🇪 | Antineoliberal | Cocks are Compulsory 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I don’t think a bilingual Ireland would be a good or a bad thing. They say that knowing two or more languages fluently from childhood makes it easier to learn another one, but I’m not so sure. I’m just glad that the language isn’t going extinct.

Irish politicians have broken too many laws to count, but they’ve got political immunity. But Irish people have lost faith in the government coalition, especially now. Recently two politicians were at a function containing more than 50 people, which was against COVID regulations. When there was backlash, the government unexpectedly announced that outdoor gatherings of up to 200 people have been allowed for weeks. So now our restaurants, hotels, pubs, sports stadiums and churches are angry. In fact, christenings, holy communions and confirmations were put on hold indefinitely, so our priests are very angry. Churches have decided they’re going to hold them anyway and dared the police to arrest them. Trust in the police is also at an all time low.

I appreciate that Trump has done a lot of good and avoided a lot of bad. But he was a disappointment because he never did anything about internet censorship or attacks on his supporters. Plus, he was on board with lockdowns until that destroyed the economy. But he’s definitely better than Biden, Bush and Obama. I find it weird to me how America’s media is vindicating Bush despite the illegal War in Iraq and his attacks on civil liberties. I don’t trust the American media either. Especially MSNBC and CNN. I really hate Don Lemon, Chris Cuomo, Seán Hannity, Bill O'Reilly and Rachel Maddox. But I definitely hate RTÉ, who are owned by the Irish government, and make up more than half of the media in Ireland. RTÉ are worse than CNN. A lot of people I know have stopped watching it and my parents are the only people I know who watch it, except they don’t trust RTÉ that much either.