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[–]reluctant_commenter 13 insightful - 1 fun13 insightful - 0 fun14 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Points where I agree with you:

  • It's unfair for bisexuals to demand that they be allowed in communities that are exclusively homosexual, e.g. for gay men.

  • The examples you cited were homophobic.

  • Yes there's a similar phenomenon going on in lesbian spaces.

Points I think you're missing:

  • All of the examples you cited are also TRAs. I think it's worth pointing out that homophobic behavior/beliefs are generalizable to the ideology, but not necessarily to all bisexuals.

I agree with a lot of what you're saying, BUT! You did generalize about "all bisexuals" in some of your comments. (I didn't see that in your actual post, though.) Examples:

Your frustration with the situation you described is legitimate, and I think your message is too-- that gay men (and lesbians) SHOULD be able to have their own separate communities, if they want. That isn't said enough on Reddit; we get banned for saying that on Reddit. However, I think your message is being missed by some people because of some generalizations you made.

edit: Also, I'm not sure if you knew but some of the people on that thread were reacting more to a troll user who hates bisexual and has made like 10+ accounts that have gotten banned from this sub. His vitriolic comments probably did not help facilitate reasonable discussion, and also distracted from the point of your post.