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[–]gadflyinajar 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I'm a huge fan of capitalism in general, because the freedom of markets as well as the increase in standard of living is to what I attribute much of the social change in the 1900s. I am afraid however, that by studying and really understanding economics, we might have opened a Pandora's Box. The commodification of art is a result of the "optimization" of things, but optimized art seems like an oxymoron. In any case, now most art is meant to solely garner fans and keep them, with the hopes of building a franchise. What's the most optimal way to do that? Pander. I also think maybe something in the human mind goes awry if you're pandered to so much, like a weird sort of para-social echo chamber effect, but I wouldn't know how to prove it.