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[–]usehername 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (5 children)

I remember Movellon saying something about being involved and meeting them regularly, and I think perhaps one or two other mods mentioned it

That's interesting. I didn't know we were affiliated lol

u/SuperGayIsOkay I am also responding to you in this next message:

The pedo thing seems to be based on the fact that he doesn't believe that GNC children grow up to be gay, and that it's weird to look for "signs" of a child's sexuality or think about what orientation a child will have when it grows up. Agreeing with the idea that being GNC as a child is a sign of being an LG adult (no studies on bis, lol) would require me to agree that female children are biologically wired feminine and male children are biologically wired masculine, and that being homosexual somehow inverts that... biologically. I don't know anyone who wasn't obsessively conditioned into being feminine as a girl or vice versa for boys, so I really don't think that "gender" (masculinity and femininity) is biological in any way, especially not in any way that a child would experience. I do think it's a bit weird to worry about the sexuality of kids and what they're gonna be.

I understand that LGB adolescents are being transitioned at a high rate and that is definitely cause for concern, but an adolescent that has undergone or is in the process of puberty actually has a sexual orientation, and we can point that out and show that it's a type of conversion therapy. However, taking a little kid like Jazz Jennings who was transed at 3 years old, put on puberty blockers and hormones and then castrated, and then saying "he was a gay little boy who was transed!" is ridiculous because he never had a sexuality and likely never will. Assuming he was going to be gay because he liked playing dress-up and wanted to be like his big sister is just weird. It is weird and creepy to label silly things that children like as indicators of future sexuality. I'm of the opinion that kids shouldn't be exposed to sexuality (all, not just LGB) at all, as they're too young to process it, and they don't need adults projecting sexual overtones on their style of play and/or dress. I also recognize that parents wanting to transition their kids because they believe that GNC behavior is an indicator of being gay and want to "fix it" is a problem, but I can't get on board with the premise that it's possible to tell the future sexuality of a child just from styles of play and dress; it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

[–]SuperGayIsOkay 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (4 children)

I can't get on board with the premise that it's possible to tell the future sexuality of a child just from styles of play and dress

Literally nobody has made that claim here. Try again.

[–]usehername 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

You're already getting hostile? If you go through u/OPPRESSED_REPTILIAN 's post history you'll find him arguing with users who claim that, but if you can't be bothered I can dig up some links.

[–]SuperGayIsOkay 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

Making shit up strikes me as far more hostile.

I also recognize that parents wanting to transition their kids because they believe that GNC behavior is an indicator of being gay and want to "fix it" is a problem

I mean the answer's right in front of you and you said it yourself. Parents are transing their children based on the perception that GNC behavior is an LGB indicator. It doesn't, of course, matter if they're LGB or not, and GNC behavior is not a guarantee of LGB, but the point is that it's massively problematic that the possibility of them being LGB is stigmatized to the point where transing them is seen as an acceptable means of "curing" that. It doesn't matter if they're actually LGB or not.

I'll say this again, just to see if it sinks in this time: literally nobody sane is claiming it's possible to tell the future sexuality of a child just from styles of play and dress. You're basically making up a strawman argument here for god knows what reason.

[–]usehername 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

It doesn't, of course, matter if they're LGB or not, and GNC behavior is not a guarantee of LGB, but the point is that it's massively problematic that the possibility of them being LGB is stigmatized to the point where transing them is seen as an acceptable means of "curing" that. It doesn't matter if they're actually LGB or not.

Wow, it's almost as if you copied and pasted that from my response to you.

People are claiming that; the proof is easily accessible, but if you want to be ignorant I don't fucking care anymore.

[–]SuperGayIsOkay 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

"The proof is easily accessible!" [posts no links]

Good luck with... whatever issues you're dealing with that are causing your wild misperceptions about all of this.