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[–]usehername 9 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 0 fun10 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Let's unpack this one:

Lesbian does not mean anti-man.

There are lesbians who date men.

There are lesbians who are sometimes men.

There are lesbians—like me!—who use he/him pronouns.

Unless you date men, are a man, pretend you're a man, or force everyone to refer to you as a man, you're anti-man.

This is pretty fucking funny:

Straight queers exist!

And this:

Kink positive asexuals exist.

Lmao so someone who is so deep in a fetish that they no longer feel attraction to other people is exactly the same as LGB.

Aromantic people who desire romantic relationships exist.

I literally loled but then got sad. This whole thing is a conspiracy to make us fucking stupid and compliant.