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[–]orangina5 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

so first it wasnt true, then it was true but it's not bisexuals trying to colonize, confront and attack gays and lesbians? of course theyre welcome create a supporting environment to end homophobia. that's it.

bisexuals have lots of internalized homophobia and never saw the value of humanizing same sex attraction or see it as worthy of anything more than a fetish. theyre the experts because they experience same sex attraction and their same sex attraction is so cheap, so utterly worthless that it's just a little fetish. but those full on fetishists like gays and lesbians seem insane and take it too far to turn their fetish into a full blown lifestyle like bastardizing marriage rights and sacred institutions for a fetish meant for 3 ways.

"i can see why you would think that bisexuals push for heterosexual supremacy! it's not like over 95% of them define themselves as "heteroromantic", meaning inability to feel any emotional bonds to the same sex and pass that off as a normal thing and demand a seat at the table!"

focus your energy on not celebrating heterosexual supremacy so much and swimming in its privilege while smirking at the gay and lesbian kids who couldnt even get married. we all know what bullies look like: fight the vulnerable minority whenever it makes small advancements and live under the feet of your heterosexual friends you're too afraid to confront. that's been bi history the entire time. absolutely no positive political interactions with the gay/lesbian community.

[–]reluctant_commenter 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

of course theyre welcome create a supporting environment to end homophobia. that's it.

If an aggressive and homophobic person sees a pair of men or a pair of women making out, they don't care whether any of them are bisexual vs. homosexual... they will hate them just the same. Even though by the numbers, bisexuals end up in opposite-sex relationships more often than same-sex relationships, they still face homophobia in same-sex relationships. I wouldn't call bisexual people just "allies" in the same way that straight people are allies.

"i can see why you would think that bisexuals push for heterosexual supremacy! it's not like over 95% of them define themselves as "heteroromantic", meaning inability to feel any emotional bonds to the same sex and pass that off as a normal thing and demand a seat at the table!"

I think that stuff is bullshit, the so-called "split attraction model". There is no empirical evidence supporting it as far as I'm aware.

focus your energy on not celebrating heterosexual supremacy so much and swimming in its privilege while smirking at the gay and lesbian kids who couldnt even get married.

Are you talking to me or is this a lecture directed at the world...? I'm a gay woman and I'm well aware how much straight people can hate gay people.

absolutely no positive political interactions with the gay/lesbian community.

That sounds like a reductive summary, but if you have any reading material or experiences to share regarding that, I'd be curious to hear more. My understanding was that early on in the gay rights movement, bisexuals were told to (or at least tended to) "pick a side" and the broader public couldn't seem to grasp or accept the idea of bisexuality.