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[–]INeedSomeTimeAsexual Ally 34 insightful - 1 fun34 insightful - 0 fun35 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I think your post shows more the damage the TQ+ activism has actually done + the existing conservative values. I've recently seen a post on Tumblr, which says gender and sexuality is a spectrum and CAN CHANGE THROUGH SOMEONE'S LIFETIME. It was reblogged by a very pro-LGBT person and I really wonder how they didn't notice this post basically agrees with what homophobes have been saying - that your sexuality is fluid and change. It fuels the idea it's a choice and it isn't set. I was angry when I saw it. I am not surprised you start thinking this if you see such messages. LGBT groups are captured by the straights, who shape the meaning of gender and sexual orientation so they can easily join and flaunt their LGBT status. I find it just gross and it's actually damaging to the LGB people but I also wanna add I think this is even damaging to people like me. The asexuality being a spectrum makes me think I am a freak in a space full of "asexuals", who love sex and easily fall in love with any stranger. I haven't thought I was weird before joining these "ace spaces". Now I feel even more of a freak than before.

But no, homosexuality isn't a mental illness. Even if it's an "anomaly" but there is absolutely nothing wrong about it. It harms no one and it doesn't harm you. What harms you is homophobia and the TQ+ screeching about genital preferences.