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[–]PenseePansyBio-Sex or Bust 19 insightful - 1 fun19 insightful - 0 fun20 insightful - 1 fun -  (5 children)

Honest answer: it's trans people who are harassing us-- LGB people, and women. For resisting their demands that we submit to being erased.

Our identities (as same-sex-attracted people, and/or women) are based on biological sex. Theirs are based on gender, as well as the insistence that only gender-- and not biological sex-- really "counts".

Result: homosexuals being pressured by the trans lobby to date/have sex with people of the opposite sex; women being pressured to give up their hard-won protections against sex-based oppression, notably pervasive predation/violence from males.

Indeed, it is this very pressure-- and the sheer relentlessness of it-- that forced us to move from Reddit to this "dying forum" in the first place.

As for your other charges:

  • How does refusing to renounce their homosexuality make gay people "Nazis"? Especially considering that the REAL Nazis could hardly have been more anti-gay, what with their official policy of sending gay men to concentration camps?
  • What's wrong with white women being lesbians? Are you saying that only non-white women qualify as "real" lesbians? How does THAT work? And if they don't "count" somehow, why do "transbians" target them almost exclusively-- especially when demanding sex-- while treating non-white lesbians as though they don't even exist?