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[–]reluctant_commenter 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

  • Have you faced work hostility over your sexual orientation? What are your thoughts on the discrimination faced by the T as the article words it:

Transgender workers are subject to different types of harassment than LGB workers. This includes bathroom accessibility, being deliberately referred to by incorrect pronouns, and having to tolerate inappropriate questions, which can lead to employee disengagement and avoidance.

No; generally I try to avoid disclosing my sexual orientation to people, and not provide opportunities for people to be hostile. One of my coworkers knows and treats me no differently, and I feel like it's not a big deal in our friendship, which is something I really appreciate.

I think that's kind of a funny description of harassment. Apart from the inappropriate questions-- which definitely can be a form of harassment-- I would say "bathroom accessibility" would fall into the category of discrimination, not harassment... if it were actually discrimination.

  • Do you receive full benefits from your job like your heterosexual counterpart does? (Ex. husband/wife/domestic partner benefits)

I'm actually not sure. I'm single as fuck, so I haven't thought about it, lol.

  • How is homosexuality/bisexuality viewed from the region or part you are from vs where you currently reside?

Hmm... good question. I grew up in an area with quite a lot of conservative (religious) homophobia, and now I reside in an area with quite a lot of liberal (ideological) homophobia. I am constantly struck by the parallels in illogical thinking that characterize both the transgender movement and Christianity.

These days, I often hear the (homophobic and biphobic) statement that "Everybody is bisexual!/Everybody is at least a little bisexual!" casually parroted. It annoys me and I try to gently disagree when I hear it, but I do think that most people who repeat it don't realize how it is harmful. According to my religious acquaintances, bisexuality doesn't exist... according to liberal homophobes, homosexuality doesn't exist. What a world.

  • What are your thoughts on this:

Nearly two thirds (59%) of non-LGBTQ employees believe it is “unprofessional” to discuss sexual orientation or gender identity in the workplace.

Oh, wow. Well.. my first reaction is that I want to know what the percentage is for each of those topics separately-- what percent think it's "unprofessional" to discuss sexual orientation in the workplace, what percent think it's "unprofessional" to discuss gender identity at work.

I find that interesting because my workplace is very trans-positive, and has said almost nothing about sexual orientation. I have maybe heard it mentioned once or twice as an afterthought, that's all. Maybe more of my straight coworkers are sick of hearing about trans issues than I thought. I know I'm sick of it...

  • And this:

Employees report feeling exhausted from spending time and energy concealing their sexual orientation (17%) and gender identity (13%).

I do feel tired from that sometimes, yes. But honestly, I feel far more exhausted from hearing pro-trans, homophobic messages all the time. If my employer just said, "You're not allowed to talk about gender identity OR sexual orientation at work, not gay or straight and not trans or non-ideological," I think that would definitely improve my quality of life. (But might cause some other issues.) Lol.

  • Feel free to share any thoughts you have on the article below.

I think the statistics are interesting, and the article isn't overly preachy so I appreciate that.

edit: Also thanks for the awesome discussion post as usual :)