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[–]PeakingPeachEaterfemale♀ | detrans🦎 | eater of peaches 🍑 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

It seems like all those movements are sexist tbh, so I agree with you in being against those movements. And to those wondering, ye, even radfems can be misogynistic...I've seen some infighting with them, they shame/judge women who don't fit in their box and call them "handmaidens" for wearing makeup... and turn around saying "well, we're not the fun kind of feminism".

MRA movement is a joke and stupid waste of time---their ONLY existence seems to be to combat feminism and basically talk about how MORE oppressed they are than women and how easy women have it. LOL

TRAs... You already know what's wrong with that movement, and there's a LOT wrong.

This is why part of the reason why I don't align with any ideology, they get too extreme. I'm staying unaligned.

[–]reluctant_commenter 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

And to those wondering, ye, even radfems can be misogynistic...I've seen some infighting with them, they shame/judge women who don't fit in their box and call them "handmaidens" for wearing makeup... and turn around saying "well, we're not the fun kind of feminism".

EXACTLY. I have thought that for SO LONG. More "not like the other girls" why exactly are you shaming and comparing fellow women? I think that much of radfem's sexism is benevolent sexism. "Women are so much more [positive trait] than men!" like no, I just want equality, we don't get equality by making up unsubstantiated claims about how women are more magical or whatever.

I think there are kernels of truth in each group's ideology... even TRAs'. But in each, there is also a ton of black-and-white thinking, and illogical claims.

Glad I'm not the only one who feels this way lol, sometimes it kinda feels like "you must be radfem if you're anti-TRA!" and that's just not accurate. I used to think Salty was being unfair in his depiction of radfems but honestly, the more I learn about their ideology, the more suspicious I am.

[–]PeakingPeachEaterfemale♀ | detrans🦎 | eater of peaches 🍑 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It's ironic because they're like "NotLikeOtherGirlsWhoAreNotLikeOtherGirls™"(but really NotLikeOtherGirls™)

The benelovent sexism just feels like a weird way of handicapping(?) or babying(?) women by saying "women are better than men at XYZ", "women can't do wrong!! UNLESS they're a sex-positive, makeup wearing, feminine performing, harlot handmaiden who sucks the dick of the patriarchy!!!"

Also...just curious on how many are TRULY lesbian women and not just the stereotype of "political lesbians"(aka spicy straights), which makes normal lesbian women look bad...I think I've seen some comments stating they wish they werent bisexual/straight and wish they were lesbians because of how "terrible" men are...

That is true, there are kernels of truth to each movement. I just get sick of how they act very absolute about it all.

Haha, I know who you mean by Salty. I was curious on why he was extremely against radical feminism, then I took a closer dive and even made an account on a radfems website...It's just not for me. There were some cool people I could click with and who I respect, but the majority, not really.

According to TRAs, if we don't agree with them, then they automatically deem us a "TERF", aka Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist which is...just silly and doesn't make sense---they always throw that term at women too. Some TRAs proposed terms such as TELP now lol, Trans Exclusionary LGB people and TEHM which is Trans Exclusionary Homosexual Men. I'm a bit surprised by TEHM, because in their eyes, I thought that a normal term such as "homosexual" is offensive to them? Or maybe they are trying to offend us? Lol