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[–]PenseePansyBio-Sex or Bust 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Christ, isn't this basically just Krafft-Ebing's theory of "inversion" all over again? Homosexuality = heterosexual "born in the wrong body"? (Drat those damned mix-ups at the ol' Body Factory!) Yeah, by all means, let's take a giant step BACKWARDS 100+ years!

I was gonna write, "what's next, wokesters reviving phrenology?"... but then had this realization: that's a pseudoscience, isn't it? Like creationism, or astrology, or Flat Earth-ism, or crystal healing... or transgenderism. With all its "pink brain/blue brain", "born in the wrong body", and "biological sex isn't real, GENDER is!" flakiness-posing-as-fact. Just more whack-a-doo, feels > reals crankery.

Hope trans joins "putting radium in EVERYTHING is GOOD for you! IT'S JUST SCIENCETM" in the dustbin of history sometime (very) soon.