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[–]Destresse🇨🇵 11 insightful - 1 fun11 insightful - 0 fun12 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I also recommend dragon age and mass effect! There is also Tracer and Soldier 76 in Overwatch, although the story-mode isn't out yet so we have yet to know whether they'll lean towards TQ+ or not (I want to trust in Blizzard, I really like their storytelling)

Life is Strange (especially Before the Storm) games have possible gay routes too. Then you have the controversial "everyone is bi" games like Fallout 4. Errr what else...? I haven't played many recent games. Oh, Fire Emblem Three Houses had some nice gay romances, but again, no homosexual characters and bisexuality is never addressed.

My favourite games have to be dragon age 2 and warcraft 3 for PC. I loved the storytelling and the characters in both of those games. The twists, drama and tension is very good, exactly my cup of tea haha. Starcraft 2 also falls into that category, but I found the story less dramatic. Sarah Kerrigan makes up for it. Easily one of my favourite female characters of all time.

For Nintendo consoles, I'll go with Fire Emblem Awakening and The World Ends With You. One is really entertaining and addictive, the other is increeedibly creative and fun, and has very nice messages about life and adolescence.