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[–]_Moon_ 17 insightful - 1 fun17 insightful - 0 fun18 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Calling out "homophobic bi/het libfems" is absolutely legitimate. The most vicious "allies" of transsexual males are their lesbophobic handmaidens - and virtually all of these handmaidens identify as something "queer" and adhere to liberal feminism. Woke womxn' liberal feminism is basically a love/hate Daddy-issue relationship with tall, white, straight, blond, bearded Daddydoms. Hardly a tradwife-type who worships the D as much as these lesbophobic "bi/het libfems" who think that refusing it should be illegal.

Sadly, calling out women for their BS and holding them responsible for it is something no brand of feminism - neither liberal feminism nor radical feminism - is willing to sufficiently do. Most of it is just a pity party where people want to hug and say that "You're OK, and I'm OK!" while thinking that calling out women for their BS is "toxic" and suggesting them to do more than just whining is "victim shaming."

What you have instead is often this silly idea that the only people pushing transgenderism are those dreaded "white men." Which is empirically false. There are tons of "queer" women and tons of non-white people enforcing this agenda. But as critics are unable and/or unwilling to hold queer womxn and non-white people accountable, they make up this lie that it is almost exclusively pushed by white men. But "wokeness is shit because wokeness is white" is just wokeness². (Likewise, you have all these anti-IDpol dudebros types who falsely claim that the dreaded "white woman" - the Social Justice Karen - is solely responsible for it, ignoring how many men and non-white people are enforcing it.)

Too bad that r/blackpillfeminism was banned...

[–][deleted] 10 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 0 fun11 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Sadly, calling out women for their BS and holding them responsible for it is something no brand of feminism - neither liberal feminism nor radical feminism - is willing to sufficiently do. Most of it is just a pity party where people want to hug and say that "You're OK, and I'm OK!" while thinking that calling out women for their BS is "toxic" and suggesting them to do more than just whining is "victim shaming."

Yup. Radical feminism too is full of women apologists who believe whatever they do is okay, just because they are women. And this kind of ignorance is exactly why women are still oppressed. Without realising how we are fuelling our own misery, women are doomed to patriarchy.

[–]deftoneslettucetomcat 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

That's interesting, I haven't seen it from radical feminists much before. I think radical feminism is a good way of pinpointing what causes female oppression and how women also uphold the patriarchy along with men. Could you give some examples?