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[–]wafflegaffWoman. SuperBi.[S] 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Seriously, this was basically me at that age, and I am very much a woman, thankyouverymuch. I learned to be amused by watching the gears grind in people's heads who are too sheltered to meet GNC people and get over it. If I had cared, they would have had total control over my life. This is the real problem—these kids think they have to care. And peer pressure is a nasty thing, so it isn't surprising. But I was always an outcast anyway, because I was smart and nerdy and sensitive, so I suppose I felt like I had a lot less to "lose" by just being me. I was already getting picked on for other reasons anyway.

I got sneering "are you a boy or a girl" questions for a few years when I had short hair. I don't remember it being traumatic, because I knew the answer and it was never anyone who knew me who asked that question, but it wasn't fun.

I feel for these kids and in this one way I really wish we could turn back the clock a bit. They are getting screwed.

I wish I could introduce this kid to a friend of mine who is also very much into wolves and "boys'" toys. S/he needs a big sister.