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[–][deleted] 9 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 0 fun10 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Okay, and how exactly is a woman going to go out and just magically rape a gay man? Do you have any idea how hard that'd actually be?

It's literally impossible; they're not doing this. The kind of woman who fetishize gay men are typically awkward, young, and struggle socially in the real world. They would not be able to approach anyone with sexually predatory behavior like that, not to mention, how would they know who was gay and who wasn't? Not everyone is "out" and the only way they could guarantee finding a gay man is to go to a gay bar... but I really don't see that going well, because there's a ton of witnesses, and everyone would know she was female. And, again, it wouldn't be easy for a young woman to force a gay man into sex.

I'm not guilt tripping. I don't care if you care about me or not. All I'm saying is that trivilizaing abuse and saying that these cringy, most likely underage women are out to terrorize and rape gay men is honestly just plain incorrect and disrespectful.

"Trying" is a big stretch from doing. You seem to forget that 95% of TRAs live exclusively on Twitter, and don't stick to their claims in the real world. I'm in a social group with a few FTMs, even ones who claim that being gay is inherently "transphobic", but they've never once attacked me and they act like normal people in voice chat or in irrelevant discussions. For a large portion of TRAs this is purely fantasy that they'd never, ever be able to act on, because they are socially awkward or don't really believe in it. Yes, there are tons of MTFs and FTMs online bragging about how they could "trick" a "cis person" into sleeping with them, but how often does this actually happen? Not very often. Most people can see a trans person coming from a mile away, they don't "pass" as the sex they're trying to emulate and most of them can't go five minutes without reminding you that they're trans.

Again. You are a bisexual woman, so maybe don't act like you're the one to speak for every gay man. I don't even know why you would. But it's honestly pretty condescending if you genuinely believe that gay men are weak and helpless victims of straight women. It's just a bizarre thing to believe in.

[–]EverydayIsSad 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

You say you are not a feminist but claim women can not rape men because "men are huge and can defend themselves duh" just like feminists do.

Do you understand women can use drugs to rape a man? Especially gay teens, they are helpless, and an adult woman is capable of sexually assaulting and raping a teenage gay boy. Women are not weak, sweet and helpless beings that can never commit rape on a man ever like you think

Yes, it may not occur as often as men raping women occurs, but it still does occur. And to ignore it is dishonest.

Edit: You have an issue with feminism because of the misandry that exists within feminism, and I agree with that, but all of a sudden you have no issue with women saying they want to "explore" their attraction to gay men and sleep with gay men ...

There's a hypocrisy right there that I want you to notice. Please keep in mind I am against misandry and man-hating of any form. I just want to show you where you are contradicting yourself.

If you have no issue with women who say they want to sexually assault gay men because most of them are socially awkward and can never do anything to gay men, then you should have no issue with feminism and feminists because most of these women who are feminists are socially awkward and would never act on their "k**l all men" or other things they say

Just change whatever was in your comment to this:

Most feminists are the kind of women who are typically awkward, young, and struggle socially in the real world.

Eventhough they constantly talk about "k**ling all men" and "getting rid of all men", they would not be able to approach any man with predatory behavior, not to mention, how would they attack men ... out in the public? I really don't see that going well, because there's a ton of witnesses, and everyone would know these women would be attacking men.

And, again, it wouldn't be easy for a young woman to attack a man.

According to your own words, misandry would have to be no issue.

Again, I am a woman and I still see misandry as an issue. Women should not joke about "k**ling all men" just as women should leave gay men alone and not say they want to sexually harass them, "explore" with them, etc.

I am just reminding you of your own hypocrisy.