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[–]NutterButterFlutterStill waving into the void 23 insightful - 1 fun23 insightful - 0 fun24 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

You expressed everything so well in your write-up on s/lesbians!

Reading the AIAL-MD, tons of what's said jumps out at me as a bisexual who was once questioning my own sexuality as a young adult. It's very male-centric and encourages us to figure out our sexuality based on them, rather than on women. It's pigeonholing women into "not men", and same-sex attraction to be "not men" too. It also pulls in a lot of stereotypes that, lets face facts, both het and bi young women do during our exploration phase ... as ways to somehow mean we're lesbians? What?

When I was young I never really questioned being attracted to men since it was normalized, but I questioned quite a bit what my feelings and attractions towards women were. As I grew into my 20s and 30s, it flipped (maybe because I was exclusively dating women for several years), and I started questioning what my feelings and attractions towards men actually meant.

I feel like I have a pretty good understanding on what bisexuality is for me now ... and reading that document was a roller-coaster. It was like every single possible thought from childhood through adulthood just got mis-mashed together and called "you're a lesbian now!".

No wonder lesbians are being erased so heavily. You're absolutely correct that sexuality has become like a "choose your own adventure" thanks to TRAs and gender ideology.

[–]yousaythosethingsFind and Replace "gatekeeping" with "having boundaries"[S] 12 insightful - 1 fun12 insightful - 0 fun13 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Thanks for your insights. This must be a total mindfuck for a bi woman who is not as settled in understanding her sexual orientation and sexuality as you are. And you are exactly right that the Master Doc, like gender ideology, assumes the existence of two categories: Men and non-men. So if you can convince yourself you're not really that attracted to men or wouldn't be happy with men, that means you are into disembodied non-men and, are, therefore, a lesbian, if you want to be. Like how many men in r/AGB call themselves non-binary or another weird non-man label? Go into any place for lesbi women and it seems like everyone is nonbinary and/or some other weird non-woman label. So it is just men and other. We're seeing this IRL outside of LGBT spaces with awards categories, bathrooms, prisons, etc. What used to be for women is now the dumping ground.

Unfortunately in r/LBL, the MasterDoc and "CompHet" seem to come up in virtually every post. If an OP has any question about themselves or makes any self-observation, they are universally directed to check out the MasterDoc. On the Lesbian Chronicles Podcast (a podcast by and for LBLs), instead of explaining how they came to the realization they were lesbians, the hosts Ali and Melisa just summarily directed their listeners to the MasterDoc and say "it's all in there." Meanwhile they avoid discussing so many important topics for LBLs and instead focus on selling their new lesbian lifestyles as all fun and games with everything working itself out and no real struggles. All of this together is unsettling.