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[–]chazzstrong 15 insightful - 2 fun15 insightful - 1 fun16 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I don't do the 'coming out' thing, because as I like to say, I don't base my personality around my sexuality. It's one of those things you find out about me as you get to know me more, such as what toppings I like on pizza or what my favorite horror movie is. However I also don't hide it. If any of them ever ask, I'll tell them. I've got a pretty goofy personality, too, so sometimes people never know if I'm joking or not, and I'm fine with that too. Fucking with people is something of a hobby of mine, and I'm pretty good at it, so it all works out for me.

What I love most is when someone finally sorta deduces it on their own, or they hear me talking about it, and they do that stare into the past where they remember things I've said or done that, at the time were innocuous, but now in the broader context probably should have clued them in earlier. It never ceases to make me laugh.