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[–]oofreesouloo⚡super lesbian⚡[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Well, the female version exists also, it's called autoandrophilia, although it seems much rarer to occur than on men (but I admit I have no idea really). I really don't have the same opinion as you, given the entire scheme of the post. Even in the end he says:

I'm not writing all this to wring sympathy from anyone. I'm just trying to say that the denial of autogynephilia doesn't just hurt women and children (and team LGB, and...) It also hurts AGPs ourselves, by misleading us, turning our feelings inside out, and pandering to our selfish desires instead of teaching us restraint. Because if we're women, we must be safe and trustworthy, right?

Also, women also need to be better at asserting their boundaries too. I 100% agree with you that many men take advantage of women, not only because they're physically stronger, but also because women tend to give in much easier, because they were educated to put other's needs in front of her own needs socially. So, it's not easy. But women also need to learn to be more assertive and strong and not give in so easily (as long as it doesn't put her in risk).

But well, in short, let's agree to disagree then!