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[–]oofreesouloo⚡super lesbian⚡[S] 18 insightful - 1 fun18 insightful - 0 fun19 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

One of the best parts (but definitely worth reading it all!):

But I am deeply alarmed and concerned by what autogynephilic men like me are doing. Denying and concealing a particular kind of sexuality is dangerous. I'm a man, much as I might wish I wasn't, and I know full well the kind of shenanigans we males try to get away with when nobody's looking. Especially what we're doing to lesbians. Every time I think about it I want to punch holes in the wall (in a ladylike way, of course). I can't help being a perv, but I can damn well make sure I'm not a creep.

When he tried to raise his concerns...

Whenever I try to raise my concerns about all this with friends and family, their universal response is 'What's the big deal?'

Examples (from my left-leaning circle):

(WORTH reading the examples)

Another awesome part:

The real implications--that AGP means we're all fundamentally heterosexual males, and that women should be just as wary of us as they are of every other heterosexual male--seem to fly over their heads. Even though I'm standing there going, "Hello? I have AGP and I'm telling you not to extend a free pass to guys like me. Hello? Can you hear me? Is this thing on? Hello?" Nah... the moment a man says he's a woman, he must have been one all along, welcome, how brave, here's your get-out-of-male-free card. I wonder when Trump will hit on that little trick.

Being an AGP male...

I suspect (as do many others) that the vast majority of MTFs these days are autogynephilic males who probably don't even have dysphoria, but are just enjoying the sweet sweet bliss of plugging into the Transgender Orgasmatron Matrix and imagining we're women, while society bends over backwards to stroke our pleasure centres. I was ready to do it.

All this increasingly deranged language? 'Assigned male at birth', 'sex is a social construct', 'women and ciswomen' instead of transwomen and women, 'clit' instead of 'penis', on and on and on... It's not just political correctness gone mad. It's not just thought policing and Orwellian newspeak. It's kink.

My hot take: We're not delusional, exactly. We're not convinced we're women, like the guy who's convinced he's Jesus. If we were, we wouldn't get so angry when people refuse to play along; we'd just nod and smile and forgive them. We just really, really, really want to believe we're women. Because it feels so exquisite. We're trying our damndest to stay asleep, but deep down we know it's all a dream.


I'm not writing all this to wring sympathy from anyone. I'm just trying to say that the denial of autogynephilia doesn't just hurt women and children (and team LGB, and...) It also hurts AGPs ourselves, by misleading us, turning our feelings inside out, and pandering to our selfish desires instead of teaching us restraint. Because if we're women, we must be safe and trustworthy, right?

I came this close to throwing my righteous weight behind trans activism, attacking TERFs and hurting the people I love and adore most of all--women--while totally convinced I was a good guy. Or rather girl.

[–]fuck_reddit 18 insightful - 1 fun18 insightful - 0 fun19 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Its so fucking refreshing to see some honest introspection. It's amazing how rare it's becoming for people to admit to and work to overcome their faults. It shows they're a person that (more often) can have a calm discussion and actually improve themselves and help others gain a better understanding of themselves at the same time.