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[–]Q-Continuum-kin 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It was pretty on point about how all they care about is their own political power when in 2016 the HRC endorsed HRC for president over Sanders.

Chad Griffin was actually a staffer for the Clintons and he then used his credibility for working for them to become head of the HRC which he then used to endorse his former boss HRC over the objections of the peons in the organization. Corporatist identity politics liberals then used that endorsement to berate Sanders and his supporters trying to claim that Clinton was more for gay rights than Sanders was. It was completely laughable yet these people were making this argument with a straight face. He took over HRC in 2012 like a chess piece moving into position. The supreme court undercut the potential long drawn out fight for marriage equality in 2015. There was nothing left to fight for on that front so they could basically become a super PAC for Clinton and start spamming my inbox about trans bullshit.

EDIT - btw Chad Griffin was making over $500k a year to sit around trying to figure out ways to waste donor money. You can view it in their IRS forms

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