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[–]lairacunda 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Cordelia Fine wrote a really good book on this. My takeaway was that brains have plasticity and are shaped by the person's experiences, thoughts, emotions, etc. But these are highly gendered experiences, thoughts, emotions, etc., because the people having them are in sexed bodies whose experiences of life are different. So it's not about the denial of science, it's about the nuances that people invested in pink and blue brains won't allow for. For example, out of Fine's book, Delusions of Gender, women do just as well and even better in math when they go to all-female schools, take tests in all-female environments, when the tester does not prime them for failure by remarking that males do better on that test. That's the interesting backdrop to STEM which is not universally male-dominated. Nope, in some countries there are more women than men in the sciences, just like in India construction is a female occupation.