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[–]MezozoicGayoldschool gay 25 insightful - 4 fun25 insightful - 3 fun26 insightful - 4 fun -  (0 children)

Trans privilege

They can be more privileged than "cis" men at this point, because they have benefits of being man PLUS extra laws that makes them able to steal some benefits of women-protection laws. And their demands are listened and laws changed when they asking for changes. LGB people and women took dozens of years, a lot of protests and living through a lot of violence to put any laws about their protection in place. While Transgenders getting laws left and right almost instantly, and those laws are impairing LGB and women protections as well.

So it is not something you just created, it is reality we are living in. They are actually privileged and they are demanding even more.

My wife and I will NEVER be able to have a baby that is 100% genetically both ours

Speaking scientifically - technically it is possible and was made with apes few times (but mostly experiments were done on other mammals, like mices), when one of ovums were slightly changed to become able to interract with other ovum. Both ovums must be ejected from women, and then returned to woman who had the unchanged one. This way only girls can be born, as Y chromosome is just not present.

This experiments were never done on humans (or if they were, no one disclosed), as human experiments are not legal in majority of countries, and religions will be very strongly opposing this. Human experiments are illegal, but TRA has pushed experiments on young children with not-explored puberty blockers and surgeries on kids and teens, which speaks even more about their privileged status.

And because it affects only women - such researches and experiments are going very very slowly (like any other researches which are affecting only women).