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[–]yousaythosethingsFind and Replace "gatekeeping" with "having boundaries"[S] 17 insightful - 2 fun17 insightful - 1 fun18 insightful - 2 fun -  (8 children)

Ah yes. That jumped out at me the most when I first saved this post. Each time I re-read it, it was like a treasure trove of tropes. This guy is like every trans trope bottled in one and even thinks he's "Not like other trans." Women and even other men are just props to him for validation including the lesbians whose space he self-admittedly "invaded."

We need autogynephilia to be part of the public discourse. Stat. It is so crazy how textbook this behavior is and how they are all part of these communities where everyone is experiencing these exact same things, but no one's allowed to analyze it or ask if it's healthy. If they do, that's how they get banned and how they go through their own peaking.

Also, I love how the post starts out with him saying that he relates to women because his life experiences have so much in common with lesbians but then everything he says could not be further from lesbian life experiences and thought processes. And of course it's r/LBL, so no one's going to call him out on it and everyone's going to validate him. So gross and depressing.

[–]SeasideLimbs 13 insightful - 3 fun13 insightful - 2 fun14 insightful - 3 fun -  (5 children)

This guy is like every trans trope bottled in one and even thinks he's "Not like other trans."

Right?? I had to keep myself from commenting on every little aspect of the guy's post cause it would have been a wall of text. There are so many things to pick apart. I feel like with all the headway trans-identified people have made, they have really let their guard down and more often let it all hang out now.

Women and even other men are just props to him for validation including the lesbians whose space he self-admittedly "invaded." We need autogynephilia to be part of the public discourse. Stat.

100% agreed. It's easy to make fun of people like this, but at the same time, he said he "completely broke down mentally" and has "pain and anguish" other people supposedly can't comprehend. It's also pretty clear that the relationship with his wife is incredibly troubled, given how he spends time cultivating crushes on other women on Twitter despite being married to a woman and having a child with her and how feels a strong need to somehow make his relationship with her something "special" by describing it as queer as if he didn't consider it exciting enough if it was a normal straight relationship.

Also, anybody else reminded of CWC when reading this?

I find men repulsive, particularly in their being in the world, every day men. I suffered too much at their hands, and I had to be in spaces, as rarely as possible, where they opened their vile mouths freely. Sometimes I wonder if the number of trans lesbians is not bolstered by the trauma of being sort of secretly embedded with men/boys in early childhood. My partner and I have talked a lot about what toxic male culture feels like on both sides of patriarchal enforcement on the playground. Young men learning to be young men made my life a living hell on the daily. I understand Valetie Solanas, and Janice Raymond almost, just in the intense distrust.

This guy truly is, like, the perfect trans person. He is all the things. You have the fetishization of lesbians, the hatred of one's own sex, the pseudobisexuality, the humiliation fetishism (his statements about how he wants to suck women's dicks and loves "strong women,") the creepiness he shows toward younger women, the intense desire to be ~special~...

What also strikes me about this post, perhaps even more so than just how many boxes he checks, is how interesting the entire post is in how it tries to cram all the things mentioned above into a narrative of a person finding themselves, questioning their feelings, being honest, being true, being thoughtful, being empathic and sincere. Somehow, who knows how, we're at a point where people have been given a language (so to speak, in terms of terms and vague concepts) that allows them to paint fetishism, mental illness, sexual frustration and sexism as something "beautiful, enlightening, intensely interesting, warm and funny," as the top reply claimed.

It's really, really sick. People are gonna look back on this time and think about people like him (and the person who responded to him) the way we nowadays think about human sacrifices in maya culture or men in ancient greece castrating themselves to become members of a religious cult.

[–][deleted] 13 insightful - 1 fun13 insightful - 0 fun14 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

I wonder if they know how much pain and anguish they cause LGBs

[–]SeasideLimbs 13 insightful - 1 fun13 insightful - 0 fun14 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Not only that, but the premise itself is silly. He is insinuating that somebody couldn't go this far for a fetish. Which is doubtlessly untrue, given that there are people who have amputated body parts themselves for a fetish, or killed others for sexual reasons. Men who are sexual and mentally ill enough will go quite far for a fetish at times. Funny enough, those types share tons of traits with the likes of him - the emotional detachment, mental breakdowns, strange sexual perversions, narcissism, etc.

[–][deleted] 12 insightful - 1 fun12 insightful - 0 fun13 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Paraphilias are like weird sex ocd, people’s whole lives can be controlled by them, and they are incredibly distressing. I believe these people are suffering but also enjoy it on some level. I worked with a trans who was non-stop having breakdowns and sharing really really inappropriate information about their life and sex life etc and it is pretty clear that many of these people are quite insane. It was one of the things that started peaking me because I could not believe any doctor could spend 5 minutes with a person like that and think hormones were a good idea.

[–]yousaythosethingsFind and Replace "gatekeeping" with "having boundaries"[S] 9 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 0 fun10 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Who or what is CWC?

The thing is, this is the kind of post that peaks people who are not otherwise inclined toward herd mentality and aren't themselves an identity void/lost soul. Any self-respecting actual lesbian is going to see this and run away screaming, especially if they come across a lot of posts like this. And then they see the creepy cult-y comments cheering it on. It's only the people who are struggling with their own identities and trying to find an identity and community by shoehorning themselves into "LGBTQ+" that are going to validate this behavior and see it as anything other than the stream of conscience of a very mentally disturbed and lost individual. But that's what subreddits like r/AL and r/LBL as their primary and not incidental purpose: echo chambers of validation and fake sense of community for extremely lost souls who don't want to be introspective or get actual help.

People like Emma "Trans people are who they say there are" Watson need to see posts like this en masse. If they see one or two, from personal experience, I believe they will just assume it's a one-off case that is being unfairly extrapolated to others or that there must be more too it. I always assumed that there was more to it that I couldn't understand because if this was all it was, surely people would pump the breaks and want to talk about it, right? Right? I miss my blissful ignorance sometimes. Being peaked is kind of a burden. Being woke is easy. Plenty of echo chambers, slacktivism is encouraged, and you can pretend you're a human rights activist while engaging in nothing but rightspeak. No need to debate either. In fact, you're not allowed.

I peaked because I saw this story. Not from this poster of course, but I saw this exact story with all of these tropes over and over and over again. How anyone who witnesses this textbook behavior over and can cover the ears and say that autogynephilia is propaganda is beyond our hope of peaking. But most people aren't. I think a lot of people would love an excuse to get off this ride because then they can stop walking on eggshells and get pack to prioritizing real civil rights and social justice causes, or step back and think about what's really important to them and realize that maybe otherizing and fetishizing marginalized groups isn't actually progressive and we need to treat people like human beings first and foremost.

[–]SeasideLimbs 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Who or what is CWC?

You are in for a ride.

It's only the people who are struggling with their own identities and trying to find an identity and community by shoehorning themselves into "LGBTQ+" that are going to validate this behavior and see it as anything other than the stream of conscience of a very mentally disturbed and lost individual. But that's what subreddits like r/AL and r/LBL as their primary and not incidental purpose: echo chambers of validation and fake sense of community for extremely lost souls who don't want to be introspective or get actual help.

While that's really sad, the silver lining to how far this has gone is that, in an accelerationist way, I think the takeover of even quite mainstream and large subreddits is really doing a lot of peaking right now. I think the worst thing for an ideology like this is it kept simmering under the surface, ready to snatch up anyone who is in a vulnerable position, but never quite so over the top that people start pointing out how ridiculous it is.

[–][deleted] 7 insightful - 5 fun7 insightful - 4 fun8 insightful - 5 fun -  (0 children)

MaYbE hE IdEnTiFiEs with LeSbIaN CuLtUrE

[–]Gearbeta 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yeah its just so obvious that these dudes have a fetish. Like REALLY obvious. But we're not allowed to say it. Or they'll claim we're bigots or that most women have AGP to which is just not true.