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[–]takeyourjoyjohn 66 insightful - 2 fun66 insightful - 1 fun67 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

As a woman, I strongly disagree with the transgender shit. Here's my reasoning. (holy shit I can say this without a ban!)

A man wanting to become a woman only wants the beauty of being a woman. He doesn't want the menstrual bullshit.. The roller coaster of emotions, the pain of bearing children.. No he wants to be able to be accepted for wearing dresses and makeup and YASSSSS gurl accent. He wants to perpetuate the female stereotype, all while screaming "ThErES nO gEnDeR!"

Being a woman isn't all grace, beauty,'s pain, suffering and confusion...its just being human is what I'm getting at. You're not a woman by cutting off your dick or by putting on a dress and being good at blending your makeup. That stuff doesn't make a woman. Those are stereotypes.

Tell me how you feel like a woman? What does that even mean? The only time I'm reminded that I am a woman is when my female organs start yelling at me and stabbing me from within.

By wanting to be the other gender, you're just admitting that gender stereotypes are true for you.

Is this line of thinking sound? I'd like some feedback honestly. Especially from an opposing side so I can discuss it.

[–]SaidOverRed 17 insightful - 1 fun17 insightful - 0 fun18 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

You have pointed out the obvious contradiction that millions of others have. You can't change into something (another gender) if it doesn't exist (gender itself). Keep looking and you will find the exact same kinds of contradictions all over leftist dogma. That's why the honest ones just say 'screw it' and run a race to the bottom to starve/murder any who resist anything Leftism happens to be pushing for. 20th century history was a sad story. But don't worry; once all the 19th century statues are gone they can start covering up the gulags too...

[–]Anonimouse 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I think that might be why the discourse went from "gender and sex are different, trans males identify as women" to "sex is a spectrum, barely exists, gender is everything and trans women = female"