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[–]JasonCarswell 4 insightful - 3 fun4 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

First, if our governments weren't destroying them with bombs, they are infiltrating them with CIA to overthrow authentic democracy, or they are decimating their populations via economic warfare covertly, overtly, and when belligerently overt they call them "sanctions". If they stopped that people won't want to flee to a better place, they'd just make it better for themselves.

Forced diversity is importing refugees where none are wanted nor welcomed. Call those people racist if you want, but what they're doing is giving the refugees welfare that they aren't even giving their own citizens - and integrating the foreigners, who through no fault of their own, is very difficult and problematic - further stressing their new communities. That's only the tip of it. Look it up. Don't take my word for it. And above all, don't take the corporate media's word for it.

ACTUALLY, they DON'T get harsher terms. There's NO SHORTAGE of examples posted here on SaidIt about this problem.

The American Prison Industrial System is the only place left in the USA for legalized slavery. Yes you are correct that it is a HUGE FUCKING PROBLEM, especially the disproportionate Black people locked up. The system is totally racist. And forced diversity is not removed from this, but it's not really as big an overlap as you're implying, and forced diversity actually seems to be a much bigger problem in Europe. Unless you count the Hollywood propaganda where forced diversity and SJW politics is intentionally utterly destroying major franchises and entertainment in general, from movies to TV to games to music and more.