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[–]WildApples 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I find your idea of the transition that takes place during puberty for boys very insightful. I have not thought much about what it might be like to suddenly go from cute, universally adored kid to a potentially intimidating man's body before your brain really has time to catch up. I can see how the sudden, perceived withdrawal of affection from adults could be traumatic. The idea that particularly traumatized boys might be subconsciously driven to trans ideology by a desire to regain that feeling of affection is intriguing. If you ever find more data points to illustrate the theory, I would be curious to hear more.

[–]TRapostate[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

thanks i like how you re-put it.

i dont got any data, just i can remember feeling it myself. i've read many accounts from transgender people on the internet and a common theme is a sort of "gender euphoria" that atleast claimed to be non-sexual. i think it is true for many of them, that they will get an emotional high from feeling like they are reclaiming the right to enjoy old interests and an older set of boundaries with females.

i could see how that would be appealing, i can remember feeling some grief over giving up childhood interests that i was worried would be perceived as too feminine. i can remember feeling grief over what felt like getting kicked out from the clubhouse, being under suspicion at all times, suddenly it was more complex to relate to females.

the loss of once enjoyed activities, almost creates a psychological forbidden fruit.

i think maybe alot of sensitive types are closer to their female relatives when young, and then they might have trouble adapting away from that. if you didn't deal with the pressure to man-up all that well, or atleast if it gave you stress, it creates that contrast in your mind. makes being a kid seem desirable in comparison, or atleast subconsciously it makes you fear the loss of your childhood.

going into a transgender identity is a way to fully vanquish the anxiety of being one-of-those-gross-males. i think it probably has many layers, and what happens is when someone actually thinks it's possible to switch over, the subconcious just rips open all those old seals. and that's what could create gender dysphoria in alot of them. literally re-living the mental "trauma" of changing out of being a kid.

i wonder how many young ones today have had those feelings unnaturally prolonged because of the idea of it being possible to change genders. when i was going through that phase i never even thought changing genders was possible, it was unthinkable to me.