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[–]Doe_aFemaleDeer 2 insightful - 3 fun2 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

Sorry, but I lost trust in that person's analytical ability & objectivity when, right in the beginning of his video, he erroneously blamed the TRA movement on "Cultural Marxism". When, in reality, the TRA Movement is actually (openly) funded by some of the biggest Capitalist Corporations and Capitalist Billionaires in the United States. I agree with his sentiment that the TRA movement is insane, but he clearly doesn't understand who are the real corporate backers of the TRAs.

Moreover, "Cultural Marxism" is a term coined by the infamous Goebbels (who called it "Cultural Bolshevism"). For anyone that needs a reminder, Goebbels was the head of the PR department of the Nazi Party. Goebbels concocted this term in order to smear the people he wanted to destroy & genocide (Jewish and Slavic Marxists/socialists/Bolsheviks/trade unions, etc). Because many Jews in Europe supported anti-capitalist reforms, trade unions & workers' rights and also worked as professors/academics/artists, the Nazis sneered down at them as "Cultural" Marxists/Bolsheviks and said those "Cultural" Jews need to be killed, because they were educating the European youth about blue-collar rights.

After the Nazis were defeated in WW2, some of them made their way to the U.S. and were ironically welcomed with open arms by the CIA (this is not even a conspiracy theory, this was admitted years later by the CIA itself). The CIA started adopting Nazi-like vocabulary and smear anti-capitalist academics & artists as "Cultural Marxists" (borrowing that term straight from the Nazis). Ever since then, the U.S. right wing started dissing anyone who has even remotely semi-leftist ideas as a "Cultural Marxist".

Because many Americans are often not very well educated about history, economics & European philosophy, they believe that the rise of the LGB or T is due to some sort of ‘nefarious’ “Cultural Marxism”. However, Marx never wrote about the LGBT at all, only about universal workers’ rights. Marx never supported 'individualistic' “identity politics”, he wrote about economics and focused on collective workers. So the only reason Americans like the guy in the video are blaming the circus happening in the States on “Cultural Marxism” is because daft American 'pundits' adopted Nazi-coined terminology in order to blame “Marxism” for problems created (ironically) by American Capitalism and American Hyper-Individualism. Many profit-seeking U.S. Corporations support the TRAs (because selling hormones & expensive surgeries is lucrative/profitable for business) – so it has nothing to do with “Marxism”.