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[–]bolla_top 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

It would still be correct to call an adopted child an "adopted son" or "adopted daughter" because there is a difference between adopted children and biological children. A lot of times the distinction is ignored because in most families it doesn't really matter. No one is being hurt by ignoring the distinction. It's not like the adopted children are demanding access to facilities intended for the opposite sex, or pressuring others into sexual relationships they're not comfortable with, or threatening to rape and murder other members of the family who mention that they were adopted. But if a medical situation ever arose where the actual biological relationship between family members became important (transplantation, marrow donation, etc.) it would be completely foolish to pretend like the adopted kids were actually biologically related to the family.

[–]MarkTwainiac 4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

It's not like the adopted children are demanding access to facilities intended for the opposite sex, or pressuring others into sexual relationships they're not comfortable with, or threatening to rape and murder other members of the family who mention that they were adopted.

But adoptees and advocates for them have demanded - rightly, and in most/many jurisdictions successfully - access to the truth about themselves, their births, their biological heritage. Adoptees around the world have fought to end previous practices and laws that used to allow adopted parents, agencies and governments to lie to adoptees about their origins, to alter the adoptees' BCs to reflect the lies, and to withhold from adoptees the names of their bio mothers and info about where they were born.

The end to lying and hiding the biological truth that adoptees and their advocates have fought for, and obtained, over the past couple of generations are precisely the opposite of what today's trans activists and gender extremists are seeking. So by bringing up adoption, they are undermining their own position. All they're achieving by making the comparisons are own goals.