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[–][deleted]  (2 children)


    [–]MarkTwainiac 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

    and transitioning is an expansion of the woman's right to control her own body as she sees fit.

    This is another area where you are mistaken. Most women don't assume everything a girl or woman does "to control her own body" and "to control her own destiny" is to her benefit or reflects a healthy choice. Lots of girls & women engage in all sorts of behaviors - anorexia, bulimia, overeating, cutting, drug addiction, alcoholism, pornography, prostitution, stripping, camming, acting out sexually, getting involved in abusive relationships, joining cults, crime, "sugar babying," sharing TMI online, etc - that are damaging to themselves, and can be damaging to others.

    In no way do girls & women

    supplement, expand, and improve upon womens' rights

    by taking drugs that will shorten their life spans, greatly increase their risk for heart disease and attacks, and will make them medical patients utterly dependent on Big Pharma and HCPs for the rest of their lives. Girls and women who damage their healthy female bodies by getting their breasts cut off and vital organs removed are not advancing women's rights. Girls and women who act out their internalized misogyny by pretending to be boys and men are not advancing women's rights.