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[–]Doberlady[S] 4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I know exactly what you're talking about and that's part of the reason I'm so mad about this. I hate societal pressures on women and how they exist to help men control and infantilize them. But just because I don't like the rules doesn't mean they're not there. If a man wants to "be" a woman, they're suddenly going to become subject to those rules and I don't think men understand how much pressure they'll be under. Of course they don't, because they weren't socialized as women, under that pressure from birth.

And it pisses me off. I'm jealous that TIMs think they can have it so easy. My whole life I feel like I’ve been denied the right to feel like a woman because I’m fat and unattractive and because of patriarchal pressures that dictate that women don't exist if they're not fuckable. I’ve been spending a lifetime struggling to perform to the standards of femininity while also questioning them with feminism, thinking about all the complexities of being a woman, trying to separate the shackles of the patriarchy from what womanhood really is, Etc… Then this dude who’s as far from “ladylike” as you can get thinks he can just jump the queue with zero effort and just be a woman, just like that? No effort, no intellectual understanding required? No pressures? Just declare you’re a woman and voila!, that’s all there is to it? It makes me so mad the more I think about it. I just wanna scream in his pimply face, "WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!"