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[–]MarkTwainiac 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The flora of fauxginas made of inverted penises (and/or other tissues taken from other parts of male bodies) is nothing like the flora of vaginas, coz the dominant flora in vaginas are Lactobacilli - and Lactocbacilli help keep other pathogenic organisms in check. Lactobacilli are notably absent in males' fauxginas, so the pathogenic organisms predominate.

Moreover, vaginas are naturally self-cleansing, and self-cleanse constantly, whereas males' fauxginas are definitely not self-cleansing.

As a result, the organisms growing in, and the odors emanating from, TIMs's fauxginas made out of inverted penile skin more closely resemble the organisms and odors of woman with bacterial vaginosis:

As a matter of fact, based on the criterion of a departure from a normal lactobacilli-dominated microflora, all patients in our study would qualify as having bacterial vaginosis-like microflora.

This is true even of fauxginas in which only penile skin is used - as opposed to, say, fauxginas made up in whole or part of portions of the intestines or peritoneal cavity.

it remains elusive to what extent other genito-urinary symptoms and complaints – both being rather common in our survey – among transsexual women can be attributed to microbiological factors. Frequent episodes of malodorous discharge were reported by one in four women and malodour was even more frequently observed upon gynaecological examination, which in turn might relate to the presence of faecal bacterial vaginosis-like microflora.

(For those who don't know, vaginosis is "a bacterial infection of the vagina causing a malodorous white discharge.)

Many of the flora in fauxginas made from inverted penises were found to be the normal organisms found on the skin, as well several forms of fecal bacteria and several forms of bacteria associated with bacterial vaginosis. Moreover, researchers found a dozen "possibly novel species" that they've labelled "TSW A-L" - presumably the "TSW" is short for transsexual women?

This study is the first to describe the microflora of the penile skin-lined neovagina of transsexual women. The neovaginal microflora were devoided [sic, LOL] of lactobacilli and consisted of a mixed microflora of aerobe and anaerobe species usually found either on the skin, in the intestine or in bacterial vaginosis. Through tDNA-PCR we showed that the most abundant species of the neovaginal bacterial community included S. epidermidis, S. anginosus group spp., E. faecalis, M. curtisii and B. ureolyticus. Twelve possibly novel species, designated TSW Genotypes A to L, were detected. By using species specific PCR, we further established a particularly high prevalence of A. vaginae, G. vaginalis and M. curtisii.

The clinical significance of the very complex microflora of the penile-skin lined neovagina remains to be determined however, and hence, at present we have few explanations for the high rates of vaginal complaints such as vaginal irritation and discharge in these patients. No proper advice can be given at present with regard to optimal vaginal hygiene in transsexual women.

These findings have been confirmed in more recent studies, such as this one from 2020, which found

Penile skin-lined neovaginas have diverse, polymicrobial communities that show similarities in composition to uncircumcised penises and host responses to cis vaginas with bacterial vaginosis (BV)

This study identified unique bacteria in the neovaginal compartment which may have been transmitted via the oral-genital route and/or may represent bacteria originally associated with the organs used to generate and/or modify the neovagina. This study corroborates previous neovaginal studies identifying neovaginas with diverse, polymicrobial communities that elicit similar host responses to cis vaginas with BV.