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[–]SilenceThem_Consume 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

(Part II:)

And for the few parts I forgot to mention here:

I can't tell you how exciting it is to see Dementia Joe called out

on a GC forum. I'm also on Ovarit (under a different name) and it's becoming such an "All Hail Our Savior Joe" forum, I'm thinking of leaving. I get that Trump-phobia is a big thing for a lot of people. I've never understood why that was, because it was so sudden. Trump was famous for decades and nobody said much except "You're Fired! Hahaha" -- but regardless of Trump, Biden is NOT a good man. He's not even in his right mind. That's a serious problem. Career politician with a horrible track record, and he sniffs little girls.

I think that the trump phobia is mostly an aftermath of NONSTOP 24/7 news cycles that talk about every minutia of the Trump admin- I mean there were articles where they would talk about how much Ice Cream the president asked for! Of course he will get more than one scoops if he wants, he's the PRESIDENT!!! FFS.

One example of them is the kids in cages saga. Here is a RARE fact check that is correcting DEMOCRATS lying, but it has been deleted (only 4 months ago). Obama built these cages, in the run offs to the elections, Michelle Obama was still making it out to be solely Trump's doing.

We've had FOUR years of almost soviet propoganda. And the weaker minded 50% fall right for it. Here's another story that our current media elites WONT let you see. This is why things have gotten SO bad. And no one will 'thank' Obama for it, all the ills are Trump's fault. Until people start realizing how bad Biden is. (And Kamala... that's a whole 'nother post!!!!) She once covered up for child rape!!)

I really believe the "new" Democrats (this is NOT the party of George McGovern that my parents supported!) have plans to "weed out" anyone guilty of WrongThink. They're already branding non-Democrats as terrorists. "If you don't vote for me, you ain't black!" I still can't believe he got a SINGLE black vote after that comment.

I completely agree. And even up until the 2000's, they at least CLAIMED to be against the wars and Georgie Busher reducing our country's freedoms. And then you look at BUsh (he STILL sucks hard) and see there were more Minwage increases under him than OBama (0). So even the shithole of a republican did more for minimum wages. But still fuck bush 1,000 times for the hundreds of thousands of poor iraqi men and women he killed. I think that you're totally right on the wrongthink front- Before the election, Biden was calling for MORE censorship of the internet. How FAST that quote changed!!

“We Will Protect Political Speech,” Facebook Responds

Biden's campaign's direct post on limiting "false ads and disinformation"

I can't believe it either. Can you think about for ONE moment, if Donahld Trump said "IF you dont vote for me, you aren't WHITE!!!!" They would call him a racial supremacist even more than they already do. It MARGINALIZES Independents (half of our country) it marginalizes republicans, it whitewashes all third party voters (Greens, even though they were kicked off the ballots by the Dems, they still DO exist as a party!!) I had dems saying "thats not what he MEANT"!!!! Trump isnt even ANTI BLACK!!!! He's been reforming the prison system that BIDEN CREATED!!!!!! Maybe anti mexican, but certainly not black. and the investment zones he made are likely GREATLY helping black communities. but the propganda will never mention the 2 good things trump has done, or the 999 creepy things that biden has. its an INFORMATION WAR that the elites are currently winning.

Hell, Biden has said the N word on TV, if this was trump we would get a whole 24/7 news cycle out of it!!!!

I would love to talk more about it, u/our_team_is_winning. True freethinking is so rare these days, its saddening. As my response is pretty wordy, I'll leave it at that! Comment anytime!!

He is an enemy of women.

I couldn't agree more. The republicans shit on people in the open, the Democrats CHASTIZE the republicans, then do the same thing they criticized. I think that's a wee bit MORE evil. But YMMV. Have an excellent night, Our team!! Whenever you're done reading or replying to all this horrid political news, here is a more relaxing topic for you to take your mind off of it. Biden REALLY sucks, and I tire of talking about him, but we must educate others whenever we can. ^ㅂ^ Our country half-way depends on it!