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[–]Rationalmind[S] 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Interesting, I like your explanation and I tend to agree that in the hearts of many women, we (or at least this rings true for me and probably does for most of us GC women) are anti-authoritarian. I also do think women as a group, tend to be prone to cooperation and unclear leadership/hierarchy — I’m not trying to stereotype women here, please whoever reads this, do not take it that way. I also agree with your observation that men seem prone to hierarchy and loyalty (please do not take offense any men who are reading this, I’m not trying to stereotype you or men either). Women, in my opinion, might have room for growth when it comes to how we treat other women in terms of learning to adopt some aspects men have to each other in terms of loyalty. This might help us stop some social ostracizing behavior (maybe, hard to know). Or potentially just bringing back grace and patience— that might help too.

I also agree the SJW and the woke have gotten duped into thinking they are on the side of good and fighting for something good when it’s the reverse. I agree it’s the perspective they have about themselves and their position. I suspect that this derives from the left echo chamber versus the right echo chamber. We’re not listening to each other so we just keep make assumptions about the other side. The SJWs know nothing or very little about the right, so they assume the right is evil and anyone who seems like they are part of the right must also be evil too— and by consequence, the SJWs must be virtuous.

I guess, then my next line of reasoning is: (1) how do we prevent ignorance in other women when those same women will cut us more reasonable women first. I would like to find a way to prevent SJWs or whatever future manifestation of the SJW there will be. I think the majority of us on SaidIt probably would like this goal so we can prevent this behavior from occurring in the future. Ultimately, I guess, (2) how do we protect women and girl’s goodwill from being corrupted to advance the self-interest of bad actors (see, e.g., TRAs)?

I hope I understood your perspective, which I agree is nuanced. I might not be wholly grasping it so please let me know.