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[–]MarkTwainiac 12 insightful - 1 fun12 insightful - 0 fun13 insightful - 1 fun -  (6 children)

Can you link to the original rather than just providing an image so I can click on the links in the list on the left and see the sources?

Also, what country or countries are they drawing their figures from?

As to the list on the right, I know that in the US it's only the majority of homeless living on the streets and counted in street censuses that are men. Women who are homeless don't live out in the open on the streets like men do coz it's not safe for them, and coz most homeless women have children. Men are much less likely to stay in shelters than homeless women coz men are much less likely to abide by shelter rules prohibiting violence, being abusive to staff, drugs and alcohol, and being inappropriately sexual. Most of the people who get thrown out of shelters for their behavior are men.

In the US, yes, the majority of homicide victims are men, but so are the majority - 91% - of killers. Males commit homicide at 10 times the rate that females do. The fact that so many men die of homicide just illustrates the extent of male-on-male lethal violence, an issue men really need to do something about; it doesn't reflect well on men or mean they are all put upon and victimized. Also, most male homicide victims in the US are in a very narrow age range - 14 to 24. Relatively few middle-aged and elderly men die of homicide, whereas women in the US are just as likely to die of homicide in mid and late life as in their teens and early 20s.

Males in the US do make up the majority of victims of violent crime, but they make up most of the perpetrators of violent crime, too. Most violent crime is male-on-male violence coz when men have beefs with one another, they are much more likely to get into fist fights or to jump, shoot or stab one another than women are. Men really need to learn better ways to resolve their conflicts.

About the claim that men on average serving 64% longer in prison than women: whatever the percentage difference is, it's not coz the criminal justice system is picking on men, it's coz the offending patterns of the two sexes are so vastly different. Since men commit the vast majority of violent crime such as murder, assault and armed robbery - as well as nearly all crimes like rape and child molestation - lots of men are in prison for long sentences. In the US, there are vastly many more men in prison for life or on death row coz the number of men who've committed heinous crimes far outnumber the number of women. This is an indictment of men, not of the justice system.

The claim that men are 3.4 times more likely to be imprisoned than women for the same crime doesn't sound right to me. I'd have to know what jurisdiction they're speaking of to check. If this claim, or anything like it, were true, I'd imagine it would be cause for a class-action sex discrimination suit.

This reminds me: recently I read that one-third of the women in prison women's criminal convictions in the UK are in for failure to pay their BBC license fee, and that women are tried and convicted of that charge at 10 times more often than men are. Meanwhile in England and Wales, fewer than 2% of rapes - which by UK law can only be committed by someone with a penis - reported to the police get prosecuted nowadays, leading to the charge that in those countries this particular male-only crime has been effectively decriminalized.

As to the claims about "domestic abuse," I'd have to see how the term is defined. Many men feel they've been abused when dinner isn't ready when they want it, when women or children say no, "talk back" to them or ignore them, and especially when women or kids laugh at or ridicule them.

[–]artetolife 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (5 children)

one-third of the women in prison in the UK are in for failure to pay their BBC license fee

lol no. That sounds like something US conservatives pull out of their arse when they want to paint the UK as socialist hellhole. It's true that the majority of prosecutions are against women, but you don't get sent to prison for not paying the fee, only if you refuse to pay the fine when you get caught, and it's a tiny number of people each year.

[–]MarkTwainiac 9 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 0 fun10 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

Yes, I misspoke! Thanks for correcting me, LOL. One-third of women's criminal convictions in the UK are for failure to pay the BBC license fee. And the only people who get jailed are those who are convicted and don't pay the fine.

But for the record, the figures came from the UK Ministry of Justice, not US conservatives, and the story didn't come out of anyone's arse - it was widely reported by mainstream British news organizations.

Also, the MoJ says there were 114,000 convictions for failure to pay the BBC license fee in 2019, and 121,000 convictions in 2018. In 2017, nearly 185,000 people were criminally prosecuted for failure to pay the license fee, and more than 164,000 were convicted. Those don't sound like "tiny" numbers to me. But that's just my opinion.

Point is, the MoJ datas shows that only one per cent - 1%! - of the almost 4,000 women in prison in the UK are there for violent offenses.

Some 20 women in England and Wales went to prison in 2015 over their TV licence, up from 11 the year before, revealed figures released by the Ministry of Justice under the Freedom of Information Act.

In 2017, 90 people in the UK who were convicted of not paying the TV fee were jailed for not paying the fine.

Given the small number of women in prison in England and Wales, and how often men convicted of violent crimes and offenses like being caught with computers full of child sex abuse images, the fact that any women would be jailed for failing to pay their TV license fee and associated fine - and such large numbers of women overall and relative to men are prosecuted for this in the first place -is IMO surprising and suggestive that the scales of justice might be a wee bit imbalanced.

Apparently, the government has put forward plans to decriminalize not paying the TV license fee - and to remove the possible jail penalty for not paying the fine.

[–]VioletRemi 9 insightful - 5 fun9 insightful - 4 fun10 insightful - 5 fun -  (2 children)

Apparently, the government has put forward plans to decriminalize not paying the TV license fee - and to remove the possible jail penalty for not paying the fine.

So women crime rates would drop drastically? :D

[–]MarkTwainiac 11 insightful - 1 fun11 insightful - 0 fun12 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Yup, women's crime rates would drop nearly one-third in one fell swoop.

The government best get on this fast, coz nowadays TIM's convictions for violent crimes and sex crimes are increasingly being recorded as women's crimes - which is giving the impression that there's a significant uptick of late in UK women engaging in crimes of violence and sex abuse.

Here are 71 such men:

[–]VioletRemi 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I don't remember what country that was, but there was some male specific crime, in which only 1 woman was convicted per year, and when 2 transwomen were recorded there, it was 200% raise of this crime rate for women :D